
When Joseph P. Lynch founded our company in 1914, it was the first sales promotion firm in the country! Joseph’s philosophy was clear: “Respect the customer. Work with the customer. And earn that customer the highest possible results.” Today, in its third generation, the Lynch Sales Company continues to honor this mission. Through copyrighted Sale Plans and a commitment to exceptional customer service, we help our clients survive in tough market conditions or generate dollars necessary for a healthy retirement.


  • Hunters Furniture

    Hunters Furniture, with two  stores located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada held a Great $7 Million Store Closing Retirement Sale which ended in December of 2023. 

    Chay and Sydney Kitts

    December 08, 2023
  • Gariepy Furniture & Mattress

    The owners of Gariepy Furniture & Mattress hired the Lynch Sales Company to conduct a Great $1 Million Store Closing/Retirement Sale, which concluded in December of 2023.  Gariepy Furniture was established in 1926 and is another repeat client of the Lynch Sales Company.

    Steve & Judy Gariepy and Paul & Rachel Gariepy

    December 08, 2023
  • Capperella Furniture

    Great $2 Million Retirement & Total Furniture Sell-Off!  Established in 1952.  This Sale was held to announce that a family member is retiring, but they are contining the tradition after passing the torch at the conclusion of this Great Sale.  This event was held in Bellefonte, PA during September, 2023.  

    Dave Capperella

    December 08, 2023
  • Crane’s Mattress Company

    In October of 2023, a Great $2 Million Store Closing/Retirement Sale was held for Crane's Mattress Company, with Three stores located in Findlay, Tiffin and Fremont, OH.  This 42 year old family owned business hired the Lynch Sales Company after extensive research.

    Ray and Kathy Crane

    December 08, 2023
  • Malouf Furniture

    Great $3 Million Store Closing Sale!  Established in 1946.  The family decided to retire from the furniture business to focus on other business interests.  Sale was held for the Malouf Family in Greenwood, MS during October, 2023.

    The Malouf Family

    December 08, 2023
  • Hampton House

    "We would highly recommend the Lynch Sales Company and Greg Klaftka to anyone looking to hold a special sales event of this kind."

    Dane and Keith Foucher

    June 26, 2023
  • Lagniappe Home Store

    Lagniappe Home Store, a repeat client of Lynch Sales Company, engaged Lynch to conduct a successful Sale to allow them to make room for brand new inventory: The Great $5 Million Total Furniture Sell-Off! 

    March 17, 2023
  • Starfine Furniture & Mattress

    Starfine Furniture & Mattress, a repeat client of Lynch Sales Company, engaged Lynch to conduct a successful Sale to allow them to make room for brand new inventory: The Great $5 Million Total Furniture Sell-Off! 

    Jody & Kim Stein

    January 06, 2023
  • Paul Michael Company

    The Great $4 Million Store Closing Sale in Canton, TX. Within the last year, Lynch also held Store Closing Sales in Paul Michael's Lake Village, AR and Monroe, LA stores. The Sales were so successful that they hired Lynch again for this event!

    Paul Michael, Owner

    April 27, 2022
  • Motsinger’s Ethan Allen

    The Great $3 Million Store Closing-Retirement Sale!

    Bill Motsinger, Owner

    March 04, 2022
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Joseph P. Lynch, Founder



Christopher Lynch


Barbara Lynch

Vice President

Stephanie Lynch

Vice President of Marketing

Christopher Dickason

Executive Director Of Sales

Gareth Price

UK Divisional Manager

Gordon Zuliani

Canadian Divisional Manager