Houseworks Great $1,000,000 Store Closing - Moving Sale!
One of the areas’ most distinguished modern furniture stores, HOUSEWORKS INC, announces the decision to close their existing store, located at 5252 82nd Street in Indianapolis, and sell out all present inventory before moving to a new and updated location. At the conclusion of their Great $1,000,000 Total Furniture Sell Off, which begins Saturday, February 4th, they will be relocating. Watch for further announcements regarding the Grand Opening of the new location.
“We have enjoyed a tremendous relationship with the people of Indianapolis and surrounding communities for 32 years”, said Ed Cheikh, owner. “In order to continue this tradition and insure our longevity, we have decided to relocate and make a substantial investment in a new store. When we reopen we will be remerchandising our sales floor with all new, exciting home furnishings which will better serve our customer’s needs for many years to come. Watch for further announcements.”
The Lynch Sales Company, an internationally known sale event specialist, based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, will coordinate the Sale. “We expect tremendous crowds due to the low prices we will be offering. Everything, including our newest merchandise and special orders, will be included in this Historic Sale”, said Mr. Cheikh.